Source code for pyclibrary.backends.ctypes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2015-2020 by PyCLibrary Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT/X11 license.
# The full license is in the file LICENCE, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proxy to both CHeader and ctypes, allowing automatic type conversion and
function calling based on C header definitions.

import logging
import os
import sys
from inspect import cleandoc
from ctypes import (c_char, c_wchar, c_ubyte, c_short, c_ushort,
                    c_int, c_uint, c_long, c_ulong, c_longlong, c_ulonglong,
                    c_float, c_double, c_longdouble, c_int8, c_uint8, c_int16,
                    c_uint16, c_int32, c_uint32, c_int64, c_uint64, c_bool,
                    c_char_p, c_wchar_p, c_void_p,
                    pointer, Union, Structure, cast,
                    cdll, POINTER, CFUNCTYPE, CDLL)

if sys.platform == 'win32':
    from ctypes import windll, oledll, WINFUNCTYPE, HRESULT

from ..errors import DefinitionError
from ..c_library import CLibrary
from ..utils import find_library

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def make_mess(mess): return cleandoc(mess).replace('\n', ' ')
[docs]class CTypesCLibrary(CLibrary): """The CLibrary class is intended to automate much of the work in using ctypes by integrating header file definitions from CParser. This class serves as a proxy to a ctypes object, adding a few features: - allows easy access to values defined via CParser - automatic type conversions for function calls using CParser function signatures - creates ctype classes based on type definitions from CParser Initialize using a ctypes shared object and a CParser: headers = CParser.winDefs() lib = CLibrary(windll.User32, headers) There are 3 ways to access library elements: lib(type, name): type can be one of 'values', 'functions', 'types', 'structs', 'unions', or 'enums'. Returns an object matching name. For values, the value from the headers is returned. For functions, a callable object is returned that handles automatic type conversion for arguments and return values. For structs, types, and enums, a ctypes class is returned matching the type specified. searches in order through values, functions, types, structs, unions, and enums from header definitions and returns an object for the first match found. The object returned is the same as returned by lib(type, name). This is the preferred way to access elements from CLibrary, but may not work in some situations (for example, if a struct and variable share the same name). lib[type]: Accesses the header definitions directly, returns definition dictionaries based on the type requested. This is equivalent to headers.defs[type]. Parameters ---------- lib: Library object. headers : CParser CParser holding all the definitions. prefix : unicode Prefix to remove from all definitions. fix_case : bool Should name be converted from camelCase to python PEP8 compliants names. """ #: Private flag allowing to know if the class has been initiliased. _init = False #: Balise to use when a NULL pointer is needed Null = object() #: Id of the backend backend = 'ctypes' #: Types (filled by init_clibrary) _types_ = {} #: Types for which ctypes provides a special pointer type. _ptr_types_ = {'char': c_char_p, 'wchar': c_wchar_p, 'wchar_t': c_wchar_p, 'void': c_void_p } def __repr__(self): return "<CTypesCLibrary instance: %s>" % str(self._lib_) def _link_library(self, lib_path, convention): """Find and link the external librairy if only a path was provided. """ if convention == 'cdll': return cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_path) elif convention == 'windll': return windll.LoadLibrary(lib_path) elif convention == 'oledll': return oledll.LoadLibrary(lib_path) else: raise ValueError('Convention cannot be {}'.format(convention)) def _extract_val_(self, obj): """Extract a Python value from a ctype object. Does not try to be smart about pointer object as we are likely to get it wrong (a pointer being often an array). """ if not hasattr(obj, 'value'): return obj return obj.value def _get_type(self, typ, pointers=True): """Return a ctype object representing the named type. If pointers is True, the class returned includes all pointer/array specs provided. Otherwise, the class returned is just the base type with no pointers. """ try: typ = list(self._headers_.eval_type(typ)) mods = typ[1:][:] # Create the initial type # Some types like ['char', '*'] have a specific ctype (c_char_p) # (but only do this if pointers == True) if (pointers and len(typ) > 1 and typ[1] == '*' and typ[0] in self._ptr_types_): cls = self._ptr_types_[typ[0]] mods = typ[2:] # If the base type is in the list of existing ctypes: elif typ[0] in self._types_: cls = self._types_[typ[0]] # structs, unions, enums: elif typ[0][:7] == 'struct ': cls = self._get_struct('structs', self._defs_['types'][typ[0]][1]) elif typ[0][:6] == 'union ': cls = self._get_struct('unions', self._defs_['types'][typ[0]][1]) elif typ[0][:5] == 'enum ': cls = c_int # void elif typ[0] == 'void': cls = None else: raise KeyError("Can't find base type for {}".format(typ)) if not pointers: return cls n_mods = [] # Go through the modifier looking for array modifiers. # Array modifiers are list and if we find consecutive modifiers we merge # them. This allows to iterate on them in reverse order to create the # proper ctypes type if len(mods): seen = mods[0] for m in mods[1:]: if isinstance(seen, list) and isinstance(m, list): seen += m else: n_mods.append(seen) seen = m n_mods.append(seen) mods = n_mods # Apply pointers and arrays while len(mods) > 0: m = mods.pop(0) if isinstance(m, str): # pointer or reference if m[0] == '*' or m[0] == '&': for i in m: cls = POINTER(cls) elif isinstance(m, list): # array # Go in reverse order to get nd array to work properly for i in reversed(m): # -1 indicates an 'incomplete type' like "int # variable[]" if i == -1: # which we should interpret like "int *variable" cls = POINTER(cls) else: cls = cls * i # Probably a function pointer elif isinstance(m, tuple): # Find pointer and calling convention is_ptr = False conv = '__cdecl' if len(mods) == 0: mess = "Function signature with no pointer:" raise DefinitionError(mess, m, mods) for i in [0, 1]: if len(mods) < 1: break if mods[0] == '*': mods.pop(0) is_ptr = True elif mods[0] in ['__stdcall', '__cdecl']: conv = mods.pop(0) else: break if not is_ptr: mess = make_mess("""Not sure how to handle type (function without single pointer): {}""") raise DefinitionError(mess.format(typ)) if conv == '__stdcall': mkfn = WINFUNCTYPE else: mkfn = CFUNCTYPE args = [self._get_type(arg[1]) for arg in m] cls = mkfn(cls, *args) else: mess = "Not sure what to do with this type modifier: '{}'" raise TypeError(mess.format(m)) return cls except: logger.error("Error while processing type: {}".format(typ)) raise def _get_struct(self, str_type, str_name): if str_name not in self._structs_: str_name = self._resolve_struct_alias(str_type, str_name) # Pull struct definition defn = self._defs_[str_type][str_name] # create ctypes class defs = defn['members'][:] if str_type == 'structs': class s(Structure): def __repr__(self): return "<ctypes struct '%s'>" % str_name elif str_type == 'unions': class s(Union): def __repr__(self): return "<ctypes union '%s'>" % str_name # Must register struct here to allow recursive definitions. self._structs_[str_name] = s if defn['pack'] is not None: s._pack_ = defn['pack'] # Assign names to anonymous members members = [] anon = [] for i, d in enumerate(defs): if d[0] is None: c = 0 while True: name = 'anon_member%d' % c if name not in members: d = (name,) + d[1:] defs[i] = d anon.append(name) break c += 1 members.append(d[0]) s._anonymous_ = anon # Handle bit field specifications, ctypes only supports bit fields # for integer but I am not sure how to test for it in a nice # fashion. s._fields_ = [(m[0], self._get_type(m[1])) if m[2] is None else (m[0], self._get_type(m[1]), m[2]) for m in defs] s._defaults_ = [m[2] for m in defs] return self._structs_[str_name] def _get_pointer(self, arg_type, sig): """Build an uninitialised pointer for the given type. """ # Must be 2-part type, second part must be '*' or '**' assert 2 <= len(arg_type) <= 3 and set(arg_type[1:]) == {'*'} arg_type_list = list(arg_type) cls = self._get_type(sig, pointers=False) special_pointer_types = {None: c_void_p, c_char: c_char_p, c_wchar: c_wchar_p} if cls in special_pointer_types: cls = special_pointer_types[cls] del arg_type_list[1] for pointer_decl in arg_type_list[1:-1]: cls = POINTER(cls) return pointer(cls()) def _cast_to(self, obj, typ): """Cast an object to a new type (new type must be a pointer). """ if not isinstance(typ, type): typ = self._get_type((typ,)) return cast(obj, typ) def _get_array(self, typ, size, vals): """Build an array. """ if not isinstance(typ, type): typ = self._get_type((typ,)) if not isinstance(size, tuple): size = (size, ) new = typ for s in size[::-1]: new *= s if vals: return new(*vals) else: return new() def _init_function(self, function): """Overrided here to declare the arguments types and return type. """ function.func.argtypes = function.arg_types function.func.restype = function.res_type
if sys.platform == 'win32': WIN_TYPES = {'__int64': c_longlong, 'HRESULT': HRESULT}
[docs]def init_clibrary(extra_types={}): # First load all standard types CTypesCLibrary._types_ = { 'bool': c_bool, 'char': c_char, 'wchar': c_wchar, 'unsigned char': c_ubyte, 'short': c_short, 'short int': c_short, 'unsigned short': c_ushort, 'unsigned short int': c_ushort, 'int': c_int, 'unsigned': c_uint, 'unsigned int': c_uint, 'long': c_long, 'long int': c_long, 'unsigned long': c_ulong, 'unsigned long int': c_ulong, 'long unsigned int': c_ulong, 'long long': c_longlong, 'long long int': c_longlong, 'unsigned __int64': c_ulonglong, 'unsigned long long': c_ulonglong, 'unsigned long long int': c_ulonglong, 'float': c_float, 'double': c_double, 'long double': c_longdouble, 'uint8_t': c_uint8, 'int8_t': c_int8, 'uint16_t': c_uint16, 'int16_t': c_int16, 'uint32_t': c_uint32, 'int32_t': c_int32, 'uint64_t': c_uint64, 'int64_t': c_int64 } if sys.platform == 'win32': for k in extra_types: if k in WIN_TYPES: extra_types[k] = WIN_TYPES[k] # Now complete the list with some more exotic types CTypesCLibrary._types_.update(extra_types)
[docs]def identify_library(lib): return isinstance(lib, CDLL)
[docs]def get_library_path(lib): if os.path.isfile(lib._name): return lib._name else: return find_library(lib._name).path