Basic usage

This guide tries to give a simple overview of PyCLibrary capabilities. At the end it refers to C concepts as some basic knowledge of them might be necessary when interfacing a C library but do not be scared by them.

Parsing headers

The first step you should take when trying to interface with a dynamic library using PyCLibrary is to check that it can correctly Parse the header files:

>>> from pyclibrary import CParser
>>> parser = CParser(['first_header_file_path','second_header_file_path'])
>>> print(parser)

If the second command does not raise any issue it means that it successfully parsed the headers. However even in such a case the parser might have overlooked some definitions. The last command will print all the definitions extracted from the header files grouped by categories :

  • types : the custom types defined in the headers

  • variables : the global variable of the libraries.

  • fnmacros : the function macros declared in the headers (Those are used by the compiler preprocessor and you have no reason to access them).

  • macros : the macros defined in the headers.

  • structs : the custom structures used by the libraries.

  • unions : the customs unions used by the libraries.

  • enums : the enumerations defined in the headers.

  • functions : the functions you will be able to call.

  • values : the global values you may need to access (mainly macro values which are used to provide a more descriptive representation of integer values)

You can quickly go over them and check if something is missing.


On windows, it is generally a good idea to include some standards windows definition. To do so pass the result of calling the win_defs function to the parser as second argument (copy_from keyword).


The CParser does not handle the include directive (for the time being) so you must pass all the header files.

Caching the parsed files

As parsing the headers is a fairly expensive process, it is a good idea to cache the parsed definition.

To cache definitions, you simply have to provide a path pointing to the file in which to save the parsed definitions to the parser (cache keyword). If the cache file already exists, it is loaded only if the version of the parser matches (which allows update to always take effects) and if the arguments passed to the CParser are the same (if you ask for different replacements in your file it will trigger a re-parsing).

The previous procedure should be sufficient in general but in some cases you might want a finer control on the parsing procedure. See for a more detailed explanation.

Binding the library

Once you know that you can correctly parse the headers of your library, you are ready to bind it. To do so, you must create a CLibrary object:

    >>> from pyclibrary import CLibrary
    >>> clib = CLibrary('mylibrary.dll', parser, prefix='Lib_',
>>>                 lock_calls=False, convention='cdll', backend='ctypes')

In order to work, the CLibrary needs the name or the path to the library to use (a .dll on Windows, a .so on Linux), and either an initialized parser or a list of header files which will be parsed for definitions. When you provide simply name of the library it is looked for in standard locations according to your OS. All other keyword arguments are optionals :

  • prefix :

    prefix or list of prefix often found in the library function or attributes names. This allow you to access to them without the prefix, while not preventing to use the complete name.

  • lock_calls :

    when this flag is set all calls to the dll are made thread safe by acquiring a lock before calling and releasing it after. This can be useful if the library is not thread-safe.

  • convention :

    this only applies on windows platform where the calling convention can be either ‘cdll’ (Linux standard), windll or oledll. Note that all conventions might not be supported on all platforms and with all backends.

  • backend :

    the name of the backend to use when binding to the library. Currently the only backend relies on the ctypes library, in the future one using the cffi library might be used.

All other keyword arguments will be passed to when creating a CParser if a list of headers files is passed.

You now have access to all the attributes, types and functions defined by the library.

Accessing attributes

The preferred way to access library attributes is simply by using the . syntax:

>>> clib.HIGH_FLAG

This simply looked for into all the known definition for a HIGH_FLAG value or Lib_HIGH_FLAG value as we specified ‘Lib_’ as a prefix. This will work for values, functions, types, structures, unions, enumerations but not for macros definitions.

But you can also specify what kind of object you are looking for using the following syntax:

>>> clib('values', 'HIGH_FLAG')

The recognized values for the first argument are the following : ‘values’, ‘functions’, ‘types’, ‘structs’, ‘unions’, or ‘enums’. This method is roughly equivalent to the first one. It is however useful if for example one needs to access to an enumeration type : when looking for it the entries found in values which specifies the mapping between names and their integer value is always found first (as it is most of the time what is useful), so if you want the type you need to specify it explicitly.

The third way gives access directly to the parser definitions:


This is equivalent to doing:


Calling functions

One usual behavior of C function is to return a kind of flag signaling that the operation while returning the real values of interest by updating pointers which have been passed to them. Most of the time those pointer does not need to be initialized to any particular value and it is often tedious to create them. PyCLibrary tries to make that kind of things easier. Here are some of the key concept used :

  • function always return a CallResult object which encapsulates the return value of the function and all the arguments passed to it.

  • when calling a function you can use keyword arguments based on the C signature of the function.

  • you can omit all uninitialized pointers the function expects, PyCLibrary will create them for you and they will be accessible in the CallResult object.

Let’s consider a C function whose signature is the following :

RETURN_CODE get_library_version(U8 *Major,U8 *Minor,U8 *Revision);

Once wrapped by PyCLibrary this function can be called as follows:

>>> ret = clib.get_library_version()
>>> ret()
1  # This is the RETURN_CODE value, 1 means the call succeeded
>>> ret[0]
0  # This is the major version.
>>> ret['Minor']

Some explanations :

  • first we call the function, not providing any pointers and store the CallResult object.

  • then we query the return value by calling the CallResult object. When doing this PyCLibrary tries to convert the value to a nice Python equivalent and if it is not possible it returns the underlying backend object.

  • finally we access to the major and minor version info. To access to the major version info we query the argument using its index, for the minor we use the name of the argument.

Sometimes even if a Python equivalent exists you might need to access to raw backend objects. You can find it in the attribute CallResult.rval for the return value and in CallResult.rval for the argument (that you passed and the created pointers).

Note that all the pointers automatically created by PyCLibrary are dereferenced automatically so that you get the value to which they point to, when accessed through the ‘[]’ operation, or using tuple unpacking see below.

As this syntax is not always convenient when we need to proceed to many calls the CallResult object can be used as an iterator to allow unpacking:

>>> res, (major, minor, rev) = clib.get_library_version()
>>> '{}.{}.{}'.format(major, minor, rev)

Note that the arguments are unpacked as a tuple (actually a generator) which makes it easy to ignore it if the function directly return the value you want:

>>> val, _ = clib.get_value()


The value auto-generated are pointers but are not returned as such because most of the time it is the stored value that is needed. For pointers of pointers which generally represents arrays, it dereference only the external pointer so that the array element can be accessed using pointer[i] (which is a valid C syntax). This magic happens only with auto-generated values, if you manually pass a pointer the value in the arguments will be a pointer.

Creating and passing arrays

One special case of passing values by reference (ie using a pointer) is the case of the arrays. Here two solutions exist depending on the behavior of the library :

  • the function expects a pointer to pointer and handles itself the memory allocation.

  • the function expects a pointer to an already existing array, and will use it or modify it.

In the first case, you can let PyCLibrary handle everything, you will get a pointer that you can index like any iterable (but you can’t determine its length, you must get that information from the library in another way). In the second case you cannot just let PyCLibrary creates the pointer because when the function will write in the array it might access memory it should not and corrupt data because the memory was never allocated. For this case, PyCLibrary provides the build_array helper function. This function takes as arguments the library object, the type of the data to store in the array (as a str or as type object) and the shape of the array to build (multidimensional arrays are supported), and optionally an initialization iterable (for one dimensional arrays only).

Let’s consider two functions:

void fill_array(int *array);
void allocate_array(int size, int **array);

Note that without reading the docs, you cannot know that fill_array needs an array and not simply a pointer to an integer. You must read the docs !

And here it the interfacing code:

>>> arr = build_array(clib, 'int', 5)
>>> _, (arr) = fill_array(arr)
>>> [arr[i] for i in range(5)]
[0, 10, 20, 21, 55]
>>> _, (size, arr) = allocate_array()
>>> [arr[i] for i in range(size)]
[-1, 2, 5, 8, -9]

This is fairly straightforward, simply note that you can directly pass the array in place of a pointer, the backend handle the conversion.