
Installing PyCLibrary is straightforward. It is a pure python package and can be installed using pip (NB : for the time being there is no PyPI package so you must get a copy from github see using_dev):

$ pip install pyclibrary

It has a single mandatory dependency : pyparsing.

In order to run the testsuite you will also need py.test and if you want to build the docs you will need sphinx (>1.3 current development version). All those can be installed through pip using the following commands:

$ pip install py.test
$ pip install sphinx

Testing your installation

To test your installation open a python interpreter and import pyclibrary.

>>> import pyclibrary

The last command will have no output if everything went well.

If you encounter any problem, take a look at the FAQS. If everything fails, feel free to open an issue in our issue_tracker.

Using the development version

You can install the development version directly from Github:

$ pip install