Source code for pyclibrary.c_parser

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2015-2022 by PyCLibrary Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT/X11 license.
# The full license is in the file LICENCE, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Used for extracting data such as macro definitions, variables, typedefs, and
function signatures from C header files.

import sys
import re
import os
import logging
from inspect import cleandoc
from traceback import format_exc

from .errors import DefinitionError
from .utils import find_header

# Import parsing elements
from pyparsing import \
    (ParserElement, ParseResults, Forward, Optional, Word, WordStart,
     WordEnd, Keyword, Regex, Literal, SkipTo, ZeroOrMore, OneOrMore,
     Group, LineEnd, quotedString, oneOf, nestedExpr,
     delimitedList, restOfLine, cStyleComment, alphas, alphanums, hexnums,
     lineno, Suppress)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ['win_defs', 'CParser']

class Type(tuple):
    Representation of a C type. CParser uses this class to store the parsed
    typedefs and the types of variable/func.

    **ATTENTION:** Due to compatibility issues with 0.1.0 this class derives
    from tuple and can be seen as the tuples from 0.1.0. In future this might
    change to a tuple-like object!!!

    type_spec : str
        a string referring the base type of this type defintion. This may
        either be a fundametal type (i.e. 'int', 'enum x') or a type definition
        made by a typedef-statement

    declarators : str or list of tuple
        all following parameters are deriving a type from the type defined
        until now. Types can be derived by:

        - The string '*': define a pointer to the base type
          (i.E. Type('int', '*'))
        - The string '&': a reference. T.B.D.
        - A list of integers of len 1: define an array with N elements
          (N is the first and single entry in the list of integers). If N is
          -1, the array definition is seen as 'int x[]'
          (i.E. Type('int', [1])
        - a N-tuple of 3-tuples: defines a function of N parameters. Every
          parameter is a 3 tuple of the form:
          (<parameter-name-or-None>, <param-type>, None).
          Due to compatibility reasons the return value of the function is
          stored in Type.type_spec parameter
          (This is **not** the case for function pointers):
          (i.E. Type(Type('int', '*'), ( ('param1', Type('int'), None), ) ) )

    type_quals : dict of int to list of str (optional)
        this optional (keyword-)argument allows to optionally add type
        qualifiers for every declarator level. The key 0 refers the type
        qualifier of type_spec, while 1 refers to declarators[0], 2 refers to
        declarators[1] and so on.

    To build more complex types any number of declarators can be combined. i.E.

    >>> int * (*a[2])(char *, signed c[]);

    if represented as:

    >>> Type('int', '*',
    >>>      ( (None, Type('char', '*'), None),
    >>>        ('c', Type('signed', [-1]), None) )),
    >>>      '*', [2])

    # Cannot slot a subclass of tuple.
    def __new__(cls, type_spec, *declarators, **argv):
        return super(Type, cls).__new__(cls, (type_spec,) + declarators)

    def __init__(self, type_spec, *declarators, **argv):
        super(Type, self).__init__()
        self.type_quals = (argv.pop('type_quals', None) or
                           ((),) * (1 + len(declarators)))
        if len(self.type_quals) != 1 + len(declarators):
            raise ValueError("wrong number of type qualifiers")
        assert len(argv) == 0, 'Invalid Parameter'

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Type):
            if self.type_quals != other.type_quals:
                return False
        return super(Type, self).__eq__(other)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def declarators(self):
        """Return a tuple of all declarators.

        return tuple(self[1:])

    def type_spec(self):
        """Return the base type of this type.

        return self[0]

    def is_fund_type(self):
        """Returns True, if this type is a fundamental type.
        Fundamental types are all types, that are not defined via typedef


        if (self[0].startswith('struct ') or self[0].startswith('union ') or
                self[0].startswith('enum ')):
            return True

        names = (num_types + nonnum_types + size_modifiers + sign_modifiers +
        for w in self[0].split():
            if w not in names:
                return False
        return True

    def eval(self, type_map, used=None):
        """Resolves the type_spec of this type recursively if it is referring
        to a typedef. For resolving the type type_map is used for lookup.
        Returns a new Type object.

        type_map : dict of str to Type
            All typedefs that shall be resolved have to be stored in this

        used : list of str
            For internal use only to prevent circular typedefs

        used = used or []

        if self.is_fund_type():
            # Remove 'signed' before returning evaluated type
            return Type(re.sub(r'\bsigned\b', '', self.type_spec).strip(),

        parent = self.type_spec
        if parent in used:
            m = 'Recursive loop while evaluating types. (typedefs are {})'
            raise DefinitionError(m.format(' -> '.join(used+[parent])))

        if parent not in type_map:
            m = 'Unknown type "{}" (typedefs are {})'
            raise DefinitionError(m.format(parent, ' -> '.join(used)))

        pt = type_map[parent]
        evaled_type = Type(pt.type_spec, *(pt.declarators + self.declarators),
                           type_quals=(pt.type_quals[:-1] +
                                       (pt.type_quals[-1] +
                                        self.type_quals[0],) +

        return evaled_type.eval(type_map, used)

    def add_compatibility_hack(self):
        """If This Type is refering to a function (**not** a function pointer)
        a new type is returned, that matches the hack from version 0.1.0.
        This hack enforces the return value be encapsulated in a separated Type

            Type('int', '*', ())

        is converted to

            Type(Type('int', '*'), ())
        if type(self[-1]) == tuple:
            return Type(Type(*self[:-1], type_quals=self.type_quals[:-1]),
                        type_quals=((), self.type_quals[-1]))
            return self

    def remove_compatibility_hack(self):
        """Returns a Type object, where the hack from .add_compatibility_hack()
        is removed

        if len(self) == 2 and isinstance(self[0], Type):
            return Type(*(self[0] + (self[1],)))
            return self

    def __repr__(self):
        type_qual_str = ('' if not any(self.type_quals) else
                         ', type_quals='+repr(self.type_quals))
        return (type(self).__name__ + '(' +
                ', '.join(map(repr, self)) + type_qual_str + ')')

    def __getnewargs__(self):
        return (self.type_spec,) + self.declarators

class Compound(dict):
    """Base class for representing object using a dict-like interface.

    __slots__ = ()

    def __init__(self, *members, **argv):
        members = list(members)
        pack = argv.pop('pack', None)
        assert len(argv) == 0

        super(Compound, self).__init__(dict(members=members, pack=pack))

    def __repr__(self):
        packParam = ', pack='+repr(self.pack) if self.pack is not None else ''
        return (type(self).__name__ + '(' +
                ', '.join(map(repr, self.members)) + packParam + ')')

    def members(self):
        return self['members']

    def pack(self):
        return self['pack']

class Struct(Compound):
    """Representation of a C struct. CParser uses this class to store the parsed

    **ATTENTION:** Due to compatibility issues with 0.1.0 this class derives
    from dict and can be seen as the dicts from 0.1.0. In future this might
    change to a dict-like object!!!
    __slots__ = ()

class Union(Compound):
    """Representation of a C union. CParser uses this class to store the parsed

    **ATTENTION:** Due to compatibility issues with 0.1.0 this class derives
    from dict and can be seen as the dicts from 0.1.0. In future this might
    change to a dict-like object!!!
    __slots__ = ()

class Enum(dict):
    """Representation of a C enum. CParser uses this class to store the parsed

    **ATTENTION:** Due to compatibility issues with 0.1.0 this class derives
    from dict and can be seen as the dicts from 0.1.0. In future this might
    change to a dict-like object!!!
    __slots__ = ()

    def __init__(self, **args):
        super(Enum, self).__init__(args)

    def __repr__(self):
        return (type(self).__name__ + '(' +
                ', '.join(nm + '=' + repr(val)
                          for nm, val in sorted(self.items())) +

[docs]def win_defs(version='1500'): """Loads selection of windows headers included with PyCLibrary. These definitions can either be accessed directly or included before parsing another file like this: >>> windefs = c_parser.win_defs() >>> p = c_parser.CParser("headerFile.h", copy_from=windefs) Definitions are pulled from a selection of header files included in Visual Studio (possibly not legal to distribute? Who knows.), some of which have been abridged because they take so long to parse. Parameters ---------- version : unicode Version of the MSVC to consider when parsing. Returns ------- parser : CParser CParser containing all the infos from te windows headers. """ header_files = ['WinNt.h', 'WinDef.h', 'WinBase.h', 'BaseTsd.h', 'WTypes.h', 'WinUser.h'] if not CParser._init:'Automatic initialisation : OS is assumed to be win32') from .init import auto_init auto_init() d = os.path.dirname(__file__) p = CParser( header_files, macros={'_WIN32': '', '_MSC_VER': version, 'CONST': 'const', 'NO_STRICT': None, 'MS_WIN32': ''}, process_all=False ) p.process_all(cache=os.path.join(d, 'headers', 'WinDefs.cache')) return p
[docs]class CParser(object): """Class for parsing C code to extract variable, struct, enum, and function declarations as well as preprocessor macros. This is not a complete C parser; instead, it is meant to simplify the process of extracting definitions from header files in the absence of a complete build system. Many files will require some amount of manual intervention to parse properly (see 'replace' and extra arguments) Parameters ---------- files : str or iterable, optional File or files which should be parsed. copy_from : CParser or iterable of CParser, optional CParser whose definitions should be included. replace : dict, optional Specify som string replacements to perform before parsing. Format is {'searchStr': 'replaceStr', ...} process_all : bool, optional Flag indicating whether files should be parsed immediatly. True by default. cache : unicode, optional Path of the cache file from which to load definitions/to which save definitions as parsing is an expensive operation. check_cache_validity : bool, optional Flag indicating whether to perform validity checking when using a cache file. This is useful in a scenario where the python wrapper needs to be used without access to the headers kwargs : Extra parameters may be used to specify the starting state of the parser. For example, one could provide a set of missing type declarations by types={'UINT': ('unsigned int'), 'STRING': ('char', 1)} Similarly, preprocessor macros can be specified: macros={'WINAPI': ''} Example ------- Create parser object, load two files >>> p = CParser(['header1.h', 'header2.h']) Remove comments, preprocess, and search for declarations >>> p.process_ all() Just to see what was successfully parsed from the files >>> p.print_all() Access parsed declarations >>> all_values = p.defs['values'] >>> functionSignatures = p.defs['functions'] To see what was not successfully parsed >>> unp = p.process_all(return_unparsed=True) >>> for s in unp: print s """ #: Increment every time cache structure or parsing changes to invalidate #: old cache files. # 2 : add C99 integers cache_version = 2 #: Private flag allowing to know if the parser has been initiliased. _init = False def __init__(self, files=None, copy_from=None, replace=None, process_all=True, cache=None, check_cache_validity=True, **kwargs): if not self._init:'Automatic initialisation based on OS detection') from .init import auto_init auto_init() # Holds all definitions self.defs = {} # Holds definitions grouped by the file they came from self.file_defs = {} # Description of the struct packing rules as defined by #pragma pack self.pack_list = {} self.init_opts = kwargs.copy() self.init_opts['files'] = [] self.init_opts['replace'] = {} self.data_list = ['types', 'variables', 'fnmacros', 'macros', 'structs', 'unions', 'enums', 'functions', 'values'] self.file_order = [] self.files = {} if files is not None: if isinstance(files, str): files = [files] for f in self.find_headers(files): self.load_file(f, replace) # Initialize empty definition lists for k in self.data_list: self.defs[k] = {} # Holds translations from typedefs/structs/unions to fundamental types self.compiled_types = {} self.current_file = None # Import extra arguments if specified for t in kwargs: for k in kwargs[t].keys(): self.add_def(t, k, kwargs[t][k]) # Import from other CParsers if specified if copy_from is not None: if not isinstance(copy_from, (list, tuple)): copy_from = [copy_from] for p in copy_from: self.import_dict(p.file_defs) if process_all: self.process_all(cache=cache, check_cache_validity=check_cache_validity)
[docs] def process_all(self, cache=None, return_unparsed=False, print_after_preprocess=False, check_cache_validity=True): """ Remove comments, preprocess, and parse declarations from all files. This operates in memory, and thus does not alter the original files. Parameters ---------- cache : unicode, optional File path where cached results are be stored or retrieved. The cache is automatically invalidated if any of the arguments to __init__ are changed, or if the C files are newer than the cache. return_unparsed : bool, optional Passed directly to parse_defs. print_after_preprocess : bool, optional If true prints the result of preprocessing each file. Returns ------- results : list List of the results from parse_defs. """ if cache is not None and self.load_cache(cache, check_validity=check_cache_validity): logger.debug("Loaded cached definitions; will skip parsing.") # Cached values loaded successfully, nothing left to do here return results = [] logger.debug(cleandoc('''Parsing C header files (no valid cache found). This could take several minutes...''')) for f in self.file_order: if self.files[f] is None: # This means the file could not be loaded and there was no # cache. mess = 'Could not find header file "{}" or a cache file.' raise IOError(mess.format(f)) logger.debug("Removing comments from file '{}'...".format(f)) self.remove_comments(f) logger.debug("Preprocessing file '{}'...".format(f)) self.preprocess(f) if print_after_preprocess: print("===== PREPROCSSED {} =======".format(f)) print(self.files[f]) logger.debug("Parsing definitions in file '{}'...".format(f)) results.append(self.parse_defs(f, return_unparsed)) if cache is not None: logger.debug("Writing cache file '{}'".format(cache)) self.write_cache(cache) return results
[docs] def load_cache(self, cache_file, check_validity=False): """Load a cache file. Used internally if cache is specified in process_all(). Parameters ---------- cache_file : unicode Path of the file from which the cache should be loaded. check_validity : bool, optional If True, then run several checks before loading the cache: - cache file must not be older than any source files - cache file must not be older than this library file - options recorded in cache must match options used to initialize CParser Returns ------- result : bool Did the loading succeeded. """ # Make sure cache file exists if not isinstance(cache_file, str): raise ValueError("Cache file option must be a str.") if not os.path.isfile(cache_file): # If file doesn't exist, search for it in this module's path d = os.path.dirname(__file__) cache_file = os.path.join(d, "headers", cache_file) if not os.path.isfile(cache_file): logger.debug("Can't find requested cache file.") return False # Make sure cache is newer than all input files if check_validity: mtime = os.stat(cache_file).st_mtime for f in self.file_order: # If file does not exist, then it does not count against the # validity of the cache. if os.path.isfile(f) and os.stat(f).st_mtime > mtime: logger.debug("Cache file is out of date.") return False try: # Read cache file import pickle cache = pickle.load(open(cache_file, 'rb')) # Make sure __init__ options match if check_validity: if cache['opts'] != self.init_opts: db = logger.debug db("Cache file is not valid") db("It was created using different initialization options") db('{}'.format(cache['opts'])) db('{}'.format(self.init_opts)) return False else: logger.debug("Cache init opts are OK:") logger.debug('{}'.format(cache['opts'])) if cache['version'] < self.cache_version: mess = "Cache file is not valid--cache format has changed." logger.debug(mess) return False # Import all parse results self.import_dict(cache['file_defs']) return True except Exception: logger.exception("Warning--cache read failed:") return False
[docs] def import_dict(self, data): """Import definitions from a dictionary. The dict format should be the same as CParser.file_defs. Used internally; does not need to be called manually. """ for f in data.keys(): self.current_file = f for k in self.data_list: for n in data[f][k]: self.add_def(k, n, data[f][k][n])
[docs] def write_cache(self, cache_file): """Store all parsed declarations to cache. Used internally. """ cache = {} cache['opts'] = self.init_opts cache['file_defs'] = self.file_defs cache['version'] = self.cache_version import pickle with open(cache_file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(cache, f)
[docs] def find_headers(self, headers): """Try to find the specified headers. """ hs = [] for header in headers: if os.path.isfile(header): hs.append(header) else: h = find_header(header) if not h: raise OSError('Cannot find header: {}'.format(header)) hs.append(h) return hs
[docs] def load_file(self, path, replace=None): """Read a file, make replacements if requested. Called by __init__, should not be called manually. Parameters ---------- path : unicode Path of the file to load. replace : dict, optional Dictionary containing strings to replace by the associated value when loading the file. """ if not os.path.isfile(path): # Not a fatal error since we might be able to function properly if # there is a cache file. mess = "Warning: C header '{}' is missing, this may cause trouble." logger.warning(mess.format(path)) self.files[path] = None return False with open(path, "r") as fd: self.files[path] = if replace is not None: for s in replace: self.files[path] = re.sub(s, replace[s], self.files[path]) self.file_order.append(path) bn = os.path.basename(path) self.init_opts['replace'][bn] = replace # Only interested in the file names, the directory may change between # systems. self.init_opts['files'].append(bn) return True
def _format_parsed_file(self, filename=None): from pprint import pformat s = "" for k in self.data_list: s += "============== {} ==================\n".format(k) if filename is None: s += pformat(self.defs[k], indent=4) + "\n" else: s += pformat(self.file_defs[filename][k]) + "\n" return s
[docs] def print_all(self, filename=None): """Print everything parsed from files. Useful for debugging. Parameters ---------- filename : unicode, optional Name of the file whose definition should be printed. """ print(self._format_parsed_file(filename))
def __str__(self): return self._format_parsed_file() # ========================================================================= # --- Processing functions # =========================================================================
[docs] def remove_comments(self, path): """Remove all comments from file. Operates in memory, does not alter the original files. """ text = self.files[path] cplusplus_line_comment = Literal("//") + restOfLine # match quoted strings first to prevent matching comments inside quotes comment_remover = (quotedString | cStyleComment.suppress() | cplusplus_line_comment.suppress()) self.files[path] = comment_remover.transformString(text)
# --- Pre processing
[docs] def preprocess(self, path): """Scan named file for preprocessor directives, removing them while expanding macros. Operates in memory, does not alter the original files. Currently support : - conditionals : ifdef, ifndef, if, elif, else (defined can be used in a if statement). - definition : define, undef - pragmas : pragma """ # We need this so that eval_expr works properly self.build_parser() self.current_file = path # Stack for #pragma pack push/pop pack_stack = [(None, None)] self.pack_list[path] = [(0, None)] packing = None # Current packing value text = self.files[path] # First join together lines split by \\n text = Literal('\\\n').suppress().transformString(text) # Define the structure of a macro definition name = Word(alphas+'_', alphanums+'_')('name') deli_list = Optional(lparen + delimitedList(name) + rparen) self.pp_define = (name.setWhitespaceChars(' \t')("macro") + deli_list.setWhitespaceChars(' \t')('args') + SkipTo(LineEnd())('value')) self.pp_define.setParseAction(self.process_macro_defn) # Comb through lines, process all directives lines = text.split('\n') result = [] directive = re.compile(r'\s*#\s*([a-zA-Z]+)(.*)$') if_true = [True] if_hit = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): new_line = '' m = directive.match(line) # Regular code line if m is None: # Only include if we are inside the correct section of an IF # block if if_true[-1]: new_line = self.expand_macros(line) # Macro line else: d = m.groups()[0] rest = m.groups()[1] if d == 'ifdef': d = 'if' rest = 'defined ' + rest elif d == 'ifndef': d = 'if' rest = '!defined ' + rest # Evaluate 'defined' operator before expanding macros if d in ['if', 'elif']: def pa(t): is_macro = t['name'] in self.defs['macros'] is_macro_func = t['name'] in self.defs['fnmacros'] return ['0', '1'][is_macro or is_macro_func] rest = (Keyword('defined') + (name | lparen + name + rparen) ).setParseAction(pa).transformString(rest) elif d in ['define', 'undef']: match = re.match(r'\s*([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(.*)$', rest) macroName, rest = match.groups() # Expand macros if needed if rest is not None and (all(if_true) or d in ['if', 'elif']): rest = self.expand_macros(rest) if d == 'elif': if if_hit[-1] or not all(if_true[:-1]): ev = False else: ev = self.eval_preprocessor_expr(rest) logger.debug(" "*(len(if_true)-2) + line + '{}, {}'.format(rest, ev)) if_true[-1] = ev if_hit[-1] = if_hit[-1] or ev elif d == 'else': logger.debug(" "*(len(if_true)-2) + line + '{}'.format(not if_hit[-1])) if_true[-1] = (not if_hit[-1]) and all(if_true[:-1]) if_hit[-1] = True elif d == 'endif': if_true.pop() if_hit.pop() logger.debug(" "*(len(if_true)-1) + line) elif d == 'if': if all(if_true): ev = self.eval_preprocessor_expr(rest) else: ev = False logger.debug(" "*(len(if_true)-1) + line + '{}, {}'.format(rest, ev)) if_true.append(ev) if_hit.append(ev) elif d == 'define': if not if_true[-1]: continue logger.debug(" "*(len(if_true)-1) + "define: " + '{}, {}'.format(macroName, rest)) try: # Macro is registered here self.pp_define.parseString(macroName + ' ' + rest) except Exception: logger.exception("Error processing macro definition:" + '{}, {}'.format(macroName, rest)) elif d == 'undef': if not if_true[-1]: continue try: self.rem_def('macros', macroName.strip()) except Exception: if sys.exc_info()[0] is not KeyError: mess = "Error removing macro definition '{}'" logger.exception(mess.format(macroName.strip())) # Check for changes in structure packing # Support only for #pragme pack (with all its variants # save show), None is used to signal that the default packing # is used. # Those two definition disagree : # # # The current implementation follows the MSVC doc. elif d == 'pragma': if not if_true[-1]: continue m = re.match(r'\s+pack\s*\(([^\)]*)\)', rest) if not m: continue if m.groups(): opts = [s.strip() for s in m.groups()[0].split(',')] pushpop = id = val = None for o in opts: if o in ['push', 'pop']: pushpop = o elif o.isdigit(): val = int(o) else: id = o packing = val if pushpop == 'push': pack_stack.append((packing, id)) elif opts[0] == 'pop': if id is None: pack_stack.pop() else: ind = None for j, s in enumerate(pack_stack): if s[1] == id: ind = j break if ind is not None: pack_stack = pack_stack[:ind] if val is None: packing = pack_stack[-1][0] mess = ">> Packing changed to {} at line {}" logger.debug(mess.format(str(packing), i)) self.pack_list[path].append((i, packing)) else: # Ignore any other directives mess = 'Ignored directive {} at line {}' logger.debug(mess.format(d, i)) result.append(new_line) self.files[path] = '\n'.join(result)
[docs] def eval_preprocessor_expr(self, expr): # Make a few alterations so the expression can be eval'd macro_diffs = ( Literal('!').setParseAction(lambda: ' not ') | Literal('&&').setParseAction(lambda: ' and ') | Literal('||').setParseAction(lambda: ' or ') | Word(alphas + '_', alphanums + '_').setParseAction(lambda: '0')) expr2 = macro_diffs.transformString(expr).strip() try: ev = bool(eval(expr2)) except Exception: mess = "Error evaluating preprocessor expression: {} [{}]\n{}" logger.debug(mess.format(expr, repr(expr2), format_exc())) ev = False return ev
[docs] def process_macro_defn(self, t): """Parse a #define macro and register the definition. """ logger.debug("Processing MACRO: {}".format(t)) macro_val = t.value.strip() if macro_val in self.defs['fnmacros']: self.add_def('fnmacros', t.macro, self.defs['fnmacros'][macro_val]) logger.debug(" Copy fn macro {} => {}".format(macro_val, t.macro)) else: if t.args == '': val = self.eval_expr(macro_val) self.add_def('macros', t.macro, macro_val) self.add_def('values', t.macro, val) mess = " Add macro: {} ({}); {}" logger.debug(mess.format(t.macro, val, self.defs['macros'][t.macro])) else: self.add_def('fnmacros', t.macro, self.compile_fn_macro(macro_val, [x for x in t.args])) mess = " Add fn macro: {} ({}); {}" logger.debug(mess.format(t.macro, t.args, self.defs['fnmacros'][t.macro])) return "#define " + t.macro + " " + macro_val
[docs] def compile_fn_macro(self, text, args): """Turn a function macro spec into a compiled description. """ # Find all instances of each arg in text. args_str = '|'.join(args) arg_regex = re.compile(r'("(\\"|[^"])*")|(\b({})\b)'.format(args_str)) start = 0 parts = [] arg_order = [] # The group number to check for macro names N = 3 for m in arg_regex.finditer(text): arg = m.groups()[N] if arg is not None: parts.append(text[start:m.start(N)] + '{}') start = m.end(N) arg_order.append(args.index(arg)) parts.append(text[start:]) return (''.join(parts), arg_order)
[docs] def expand_macros(self, line): """Expand all the macro expressions in a string. Faulty calls to macro function are left untouched. """ reg = re.compile(r'("(\\"|[^"])*")|(\b(\w+)\b)') parts = [] # The group number to check for macro names N = 3 macros = self.defs['macros'] fnmacros = self.defs['fnmacros'] while True: m = if not m: break name = m.groups()[N] if name in macros: parts.append(line[:m.start(N)]) line = line[m.end(N):] parts.append(macros[name]) elif name in fnmacros: # If function macro expansion fails, just ignore it. try: exp, end = self.expand_fn_macro(name, line[m.end(N):]) except Exception: exp = name end = line[m.end(N):] mess = "Function macro expansion failed: {}, {}\n {}" logger.error(mess.format(name, line[m.end(N):], format_exc())) parts.append(line[:m.start(N)]) line = end parts.append(exp) else: start = m.end(N) parts.append(line[:start]) line = line[start:] parts.append(line) return ''.join(parts)
[docs] def expand_fn_macro(self, name, text): """Replace a function macro. """ # defn looks like ('%s + %s / %s', (0, 0, 1)) defn = self.defs['fnmacros'][name] try: args, end = text.split(')', 1) _, args = args.split('(', 1) args = [a.strip() for a in args.split(',')] except Exception: mess = "Function macro {} argument analysis failed :\n{}" raise DefinitionError(0, mess.format(name, format_exc())) args = [self.expand_macros(arg) for arg in args] new_str = defn[0].format(*[args[i] for i in defn[1]]) return (new_str, end)
# --- Compilation functions
[docs] def parse_defs(self, path, return_unparsed=False): """Scan through the named file for variable, struct, enum, and function declarations. Parameters ---------- path : unicode Path of the file to parse for definitions. return_unparsed : bool, optional If true, return a string of all lines that failed to match (for debugging purposes). Returns ------- tokens : list Entire tree of successfully parsed tokens. """ self.current_file = path parser = self.build_parser() if return_unparsed: text = parser.suppress().transformString(self.files[path]) return re.sub(r'\n\s*\n', '\n', text) else: return [x[0] for x in parser.scanString(self.files[path])]
[docs] def build_parser(self): """Builds the entire tree of parser elements for the C language (the bits we support, anyway). """ if hasattr(self, 'parser'): return self.parser self.struct_type = Forward() self.enum_type = Forward() type_ = (fund_type | Optional(kwl(size_modifiers + sign_modifiers)) + ident | self.struct_type | self.enum_type) if extra_modifier is not None: type_ += extra_modifier type_.setParseAction(recombine) self.type_spec = Group(type_qualifier('pre_qual') + type_("name")) # --- Abstract declarators for use in function pointer arguments # Thus begins the extremely hairy business of parsing C declarators. # Whomever decided this was a reasonable syntax should probably never # breed. # The following parsers combined with the process_declarator function # allow us to turn a nest of type modifiers into a correctly # ordered list of modifiers. self.declarator = Forward() self.abstract_declarator = Forward() # Abstract declarators look like: # <empty string> # * # **[num] # (*)(int, int) # *( )(int, int)[10] # ...etc... self.abstract_declarator << Group( type_qualifier('first_typequal') + Group(ZeroOrMore(Group(Suppress('*') + type_qualifier)))('ptrs') + ((Optional('&')('ref')) | (lparen + self.abstract_declarator + rparen)('center')) + Optional(lparen + Optional(delimitedList(Group( self.type_spec('type') + self.abstract_declarator('decl') + Optional(Literal('=').suppress() + expression, default=None)('val') )), default=None) + rparen)('args') + Group(ZeroOrMore(lbrack + Optional(expression, default='-1') + rbrack))('arrays') ) # Declarators look like: # varName # *varName # **varName[num] # (*fnName)(int, int) # * fnName(int arg1=0)[10] # ...etc... self.declarator << Group( type_qualifier('first_typequal') + call_conv + Group(ZeroOrMore(Group(Suppress('*') + type_qualifier)))('ptrs') + ((Optional('&')('ref') + ident('name')) | (lparen + self.declarator + rparen)('center')) + Optional(lparen + Optional(delimitedList( Group(self.type_spec('type') + (self.declarator | self.abstract_declarator)('decl') + Optional(Literal('=').suppress() + expression, default=None)('val') )), default=None) + rparen)('args') + Group(ZeroOrMore(lbrack + Optional(expression, default='-1') + rbrack))('arrays') ) self.declarator_list = Group(delimitedList(self.declarator)) # Typedef self.type_decl = (Keyword('typedef') + self.type_spec('type') + self.declarator_list('decl_list') + semi) self.type_decl.setParseAction(self.process_typedef) # Variable declaration self.variable_decl = ( Group(storage_class_spec + self.type_spec('type') + Optional(self.declarator_list('decl_list')) + Optional(Literal('=').suppress() + (expression('value') | (lbrace + Group(delimitedList(expression))('array_values') + rbrace ) ) ) ) + semi) self.variable_decl.setParseAction(self.process_variable) # Function definition self.typeless_function_decl = (self.declarator('decl') + nestedExpr('{', '}').suppress()) self.function_decl = (storage_class_spec + self.type_spec('type') + self.declarator('decl') + nestedExpr('{', '}').suppress()) self.function_decl.setParseAction(self.process_function) # Struct definition self.struct_decl = Forward() struct_kw = (Keyword('struct') | Keyword('union')) self.struct_member = ( Group(self.variable_decl.copy().setParseAction(lambda: None)) | # Hack to handle bit width specification. Group(Group(self.type_spec('type') + Optional(self.declarator_list('decl_list')) + colon + integer('bit') + semi)) | (self.type_spec + self.declarator + nestedExpr('{', '}')).suppress() | (self.declarator + nestedExpr('{', '}')).suppress() ) self.decl_list = (lbrace + Group(OneOrMore(self.struct_member))('members') + rbrace) self.struct_type << (struct_kw('struct_type') + ((Optional(ident)('name') + self.decl_list) | ident('name')) ) self.struct_type.setParseAction(self.process_struct) self.struct_decl = self.struct_type + semi # Enum definition enum_var_decl = Group(ident('name') + Optional(Literal('=').suppress() + expression('value'))) self.enum_type << (Keyword('enum') + (Optional(ident)('name') + lbrace + Group(delimitedList(enum_var_decl))('members') + Optional(comma) + rbrace | ident('name')) ) self.enum_type.setParseAction(self.process_enum) self.enum_decl = self.enum_type + semi self.parser = (self.type_decl | self.variable_decl | self.function_decl) return self.parser
[docs] def process_declarator(self, decl): """Process a declarator (without base type) and return a tuple (name, [modifiers]) See process_type(...) for more information. """ toks = [] quals = [tuple(decl.get('first_typequal', []))] name = None logger.debug("DECL: {}".format(decl)) if 'call_conv' in decl and len(decl['call_conv']) > 0: toks.append(decl['call_conv']) quals.append(None) if 'ptrs' in decl and len(decl['ptrs']) > 0: toks += ('*',) * len(decl['ptrs']) quals += map(tuple, decl['ptrs']) if 'arrays' in decl and len(decl['arrays']) > 0: toks.extend([self.eval_expr(x)] for x in decl['arrays']) quals += [()] * len(decl['arrays']) if 'args' in decl and len(decl['args']) > 0: if decl['args'][0] is None: toks.append(()) else: ex = lambda x: (x[0],) if len(x)!=0 else (None,) toks.append(tuple([self.process_type(a['type'], a['decl'][0]) + ex(a['val']) for a in decl['args']] ) ) quals.append(()) if 'ref' in decl: toks.append('&') quals.append(()) if 'center' in decl: (n, t, q) = self.process_declarator(decl['center'][0]) if n is not None: name = n toks.extend(t) quals = quals[:-1] + [quals[-1] + q[0]] + list(q[1:]) if 'name' in decl: name = decl['name'] return (name, toks, tuple(quals))
[docs] def process_type(self, typ, decl): """Take a declarator + base type and return a serialized name/type description. The description will be a list of elements (name, [basetype, modifier, modifier, ...]): - name is the string name of the declarator or None for an abstract declarator - basetype is the string representing the base type - modifiers can be: - `*` : pointer (multiple pointers `***` allowed) - `&` : reference - `__X` : calling convention (windows only). X can be `cdecl` or `stdcall` - list : array. Value(s) indicate the length of each array, -1 for incomplete type. - tuple : function, items are the output of processType for each function argument. Examples: - int *x[10] => ('x', ['int', [10], '*']) - char fn(int x) => ('fn', ['char', [('x', ['int'])]]) - struct s (*)(int, int*) => (None, ["struct s", ((None, ['int']), (None, ['int', '*'])), '*']) """ logger.debug("PROCESS TYPE/DECL: {}/{}".format(typ['name'], decl)) (name, decl, quals) = self.process_declarator(decl) pre_typequal = tuple(typ.get('pre_qual', [])) return (name, Type(typ['name'], *decl, type_quals=(pre_typequal + quals[0],) + quals[1:]))
[docs] def process_enum(self, s, l, t): """ """ try: logger.debug("ENUM: {}".format(t)) if == '': n = 0 while True: name = 'anon_enum{}'.format(n) if name not in self.defs['enums']: break n += 1 else: name =[0] logger.debug(" name: {}".format(name)) if name not in self.defs['enums']: i = 0 enum = {} for v in t.members: if v.value != '': try: i = self.eval_expr(v.value) except Exception: pass enum[] = i self.add_def('values',, i) i += 1 logger.debug(" members: {}".format(enum)) self.add_def('enums', name, enum) self.add_def('types', 'enum '+name, Type('enum', name)) return ('enum ' + name) except: logger.exception("Error processing enum: {}".format(t))
[docs] def process_function(self, s, l, t): """Build a function definition from the parsing tokens. """ logger.debug("FUNCTION {} : {}".format(t, t.keys())) try: name, decl = self.process_type(t.type, t.decl[0]) if len(decl) == 0 or type(decl[-1]) != tuple: logger.error('{}'.format(t)) mess = "Incorrect declarator type for function definition." raise DefinitionError(mess) logger.debug(" name: {}".format(name)) logger.debug(" sig: {}".format(decl)) self.add_def('functions', name, decl.add_compatibility_hack()) except Exception: logger.exception("Error processing function: {}".format(t))
[docs] def packing_at(self, line): """Return the structure packing value at the given line number. """ packing = None for p in self.pack_list[self.current_file]: if p[0] <= line: packing = p[1] else: break return packing
[docs] def process_struct(self, s, l, t): """ """ try: str_typ = t.struct_type # struct or union # Check for extra packing rules packing = self.packing_at(lineno(l, s)) logger.debug('{} {} {}'.format(str_typ.upper(),, t)) if == '': n = 0 while True: sname = 'anon_{}{}'.format(str_typ, n) if sname not in self.defs[str_typ+'s']: break n += 1 else: if isinstance(, str): sname = else: sname =[0] logger.debug(" NAME: {}".format(sname)) if (len(t.members) > 0 or sname not in self.defs[str_typ+'s'] or self.defs[str_typ+'s'][sname] == {}): logger.debug(" NEW " + str_typ.upper()) struct = [] for m in t.members: typ = m[0].type val = self.eval_expr(m[0].value) logger.debug(" member: {}, {}, {}".format( m, m[0].keys(), m[0].decl_list)) if len(m[0].decl_list) == 0: # anonymous member member = [None, Type(typ[0]), None] if m[0].bit: member.append(int(m[0].bit)) struct.append(tuple(member)) for d in m[0].decl_list: (name, decl) = self.process_type(typ, d) member = [name, decl, val] if m[0].bit: member.append(int(m[0].bit)) struct.append(tuple(member)) logger.debug(" {} {} {} {}".format(name, decl, val, m[0].bit)) str_cls = (Struct if str_typ == 'struct' else Union) self.add_def(str_typ + 's', sname, str_cls(*struct, pack=packing)) self.add_def('types', str_typ+' '+sname, Type(str_typ, sname)) return str_typ + ' ' + sname except Exception: logger.exception('Error processing struct: {}'.format(t))
[docs] def process_variable(self, s, l, t): """ """ logger.debug("VARIABLE: {}".format(t)) try: val = self.eval_expr(t[0]) for d in t[0].decl_list: (name, typ) = self.process_type(t[0].type, d) # This is a function prototype if type(typ[-1]) is tuple: logger.debug(" Add function prototype: {} {} {}".format( name, typ, val)) self.add_def('functions', name, typ.add_compatibility_hack()) # This is a variable else: logger.debug(" Add variable: {} {} {}".format(name, typ, val)) self.add_def('variables', name, (val, typ)) self.add_def('values', name, val) except Exception: logger.exception('Error processing variable: {}'.format(t))
[docs] def process_typedef(self, s, l, t): """ """ logger.debug("TYPE: {}".format(t)) typ = t.type for d in t.decl_list: (name, decl) = self.process_type(typ, d) logger.debug(" {} {}".format(name, decl)) self.add_def('types', name, decl)
# --- Utility methods
[docs] def eval_expr(self, toks): """Evaluates expressions. Currently only works for expressions that also happen to be valid python expressions. """ logger.debug("Eval: {}".format(toks)) try: if isinstance(toks, str): val = self.eval(toks, None, self.defs['values']) elif toks.array_values != '': val = [self.eval(x, None, self.defs['values']) for x in toks.array_values] elif toks.value != '': val = self.eval(toks.value, None, self.defs['values']) else: val = None return val except Exception: logger.debug(" failed eval {} : {}".format(toks, format_exc())) return None
[docs] def eval(self, expr, *args): """Just eval with a little extra robustness.""" expr = expr.strip() cast = (lparen + self.type_spec + self.abstract_declarator + rparen).suppress() expr = (quotedString | number | cast).transformString(expr) if expr == '': return None return eval(expr, *args)
[docs] def add_def(self, typ, name, val): """Add a definition of a specific type to both the definition set for the current file and the global definition set. """ self.defs[typ][name] = val if self.current_file is None: base_name = None else: base_name = os.path.basename(self.current_file) if base_name not in self.file_defs: self.file_defs[base_name] = {} for k in self.data_list: self.file_defs[base_name][k] = {} self.file_defs[base_name][typ][name] = val
[docs] def rem_def(self, typ, name): """Remove a definition of a specific type to both the definition set for the current file and the global definition set. """ if self.current_file is None: base_name = None else: base_name = os.path.basename(self.current_file) del self.defs[typ][name] del self.file_defs[base_name][typ][name]
[docs] def is_fund_type(self, typ): """Return True if this type is a fundamental C type, struct, or union. **ATTENTION: This function is legacy and should be replaced by Type.is_fund_type()** """ return Type(typ).is_fund_type()
[docs] def eval_type(self, typ): """Evaluate a named type into its fundamental type. **ATTENTION: This function is legacy and should be replaced by Type.eval()** """ if not isinstance(typ, Type): typ = Type(*typ) return typ.eval(self.defs['types'])
[docs] def find(self, name): """Search all definitions for the given name. """ res = [] for f in self.file_defs: fd = self.file_defs[f] for t in fd: typ = fd[t] for k in typ: if isinstance(name, str): if k == name: res.append((f, t)) else: if re.match(name, k): res.append((f, t, k)) return res
[docs] def find_text(self, text): """Search all file strings for text, return matching lines. """ res = [] for f in self.files: l = self.files[f].split('\n') for i in range(len(l)): if text in l[i]: res.append((f, i, l[i])) return res
# --- Basic parsing elements. def kwl(strs): """Generate a match-first list of keywords given a list of strings.""" return Regex(r'\b({})\b'.format('|'.join(strs))) def flatten(lst): res = [] for i in lst: if isinstance(i, (list, tuple)): res.extend(flatten(i)) else: res.append(str(i)) return res def recombine(tok): """Flattens a tree of tokens and joins into one big string. """ return " ".join(flatten(tok.asList())) def print_parse_results(pr, depth=0, name=''): """For debugging; pretty-prints parse result objects. """ start = name + " " * (20 - len(name)) + ':' + '..' * depth if isinstance(pr, ParseResults): print(start) for i in pr: name = '' for k in pr.keys(): if pr[k] is i: name = k break print_parse_results(i, depth+1, name) else: print(start + str(pr)) # Syntatic delimiters comma = Literal(",").ignore(quotedString).suppress() colon = Literal(":").ignore(quotedString).suppress() semi = Literal(";").ignore(quotedString).suppress() lbrace = Literal("{").ignore(quotedString).suppress() rbrace = Literal("}").ignore(quotedString).suppress() lbrack = Literal("[").ignore(quotedString).suppress() rbrack = Literal("]").ignore(quotedString).suppress() lparen = Literal("(").ignore(quotedString).suppress() rparen = Literal(")").ignore(quotedString).suppress() # Numbers int_strip = lambda t: t[0].rstrip('UL') hexint = Regex(r'[+-]?\s*0[xX][{}]+[UL]*'.format(hexnums)).setParseAction(int_strip) decint = Regex(r'[+-]?\s*[0-9]+[UL]*').setParseAction(int_strip) integer = (hexint | decint) # The floating regex is ugly but it is because we do not want to match # integer to it. floating = Regex(r'[+-]?\s*((((\d(\.\d*)?)|(\.\d+))[eE][+-]?\d+)|((\d\.\d*)|(\.\d+)))') number = (floating | integer) # Miscelaneous bi_operator = oneOf("+ - / * | & || && ! ~ ^ % == != > < >= <= -> . :: << >> = ? :") uni_right_operator = oneOf("++ --") uni_left_operator = oneOf("++ -- - + * sizeof new") wordchars = alphanums+'_$' name = (WordStart(wordchars) + Word(alphas+"_", alphanums+"_$") + WordEnd(wordchars)) size_modifiers = ['short', 'long'] sign_modifiers = ['signed', 'unsigned'] # Syntax elements defined by _init_parser. expression = Forward() array_op = lbrack + expression + rbrack base_types = None ident = None call_conv = None type_qualifier = None storage_class_spec = None extra_modifier = None fund_type = None extra_type_list = [] c99_int_types = ['int8_t', 'uint8_t', 'int16_t', 'uint16_t', 'int32_t', 'uint32_t', 'int64_t', 'uint64_t'] num_types = ['int', 'float', 'double'] + c99_int_types nonnum_types = ['char', 'bool', 'void'] # Define some common language elements when initialising. def _init_cparser(extra_types=None, extra_modifiers=None): global expression global call_conv, ident global base_types global type_qualifier, storage_class_spec, extra_modifier global fund_type global extra_type_list # Some basic definitions extra_type_list = [] if extra_types is None else list(extra_types) base_types = nonnum_types + num_types + extra_type_list storage_classes = ['inline', 'static', 'extern'] qualifiers = ['const', 'volatile', 'restrict', 'near', 'far'] keywords = (['struct', 'enum', 'union', '__stdcall', '__cdecl'] + qualifiers + base_types + size_modifiers + sign_modifiers) keyword = kwl(keywords) wordchars = alphanums+'_$' ident = (WordStart(wordchars) + ~keyword + Word(alphas + "_", alphanums + "_$") + WordEnd(wordchars)).setParseAction(lambda t: t[0]) call_conv = Optional(Keyword('__cdecl') | Keyword('__stdcall'))('call_conv') # Removes '__name' from all type specs. may cause trouble. underscore_2_ident = (WordStart(wordchars) + ~keyword + '__' + Word(alphanums, alphanums+"_$") + WordEnd(wordchars)).setParseAction(lambda t: t[0]) type_qualifier = ZeroOrMore((underscore_2_ident + Optional(nestedExpr())) | kwl(qualifiers)) storage_class_spec = Optional(kwl(storage_classes)) if extra_modifiers: extra_modifier = ZeroOrMore(kwl(extra_modifiers) + Optional(nestedExpr())).suppress() else: extra_modifier = None # Language elements fund_type = OneOrMore(kwl(sign_modifiers + size_modifiers + base_types)).setParseAction(lambda t: ' '.join(t)) # Is there a better way to process expressions with cast operators?? cast_atom = ( ZeroOrMore(uni_left_operator) + Optional('('+ident+')').suppress() + ((ident + '(' + Optional(delimitedList(expression)) + ')' | ident + OneOrMore('[' + expression + ']') | ident | number | quotedString ) | ('(' + expression + ')')) + ZeroOrMore(uni_right_operator) ) uncast_atom = ( ZeroOrMore(uni_left_operator) + ((ident + '(' + Optional(delimitedList(expression)) + ')' | ident + OneOrMore('[' + expression + ']') | ident | number | quotedString ) | ('(' + expression + ')')) + ZeroOrMore(uni_right_operator) ) atom = cast_atom | uncast_atom expression << Group(atom + ZeroOrMore(bi_operator + atom)) expression.setParseAction(recombine)