Source code for pyclibrary.init

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2015-2022 by PyCLibrary Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT/X11 license.
# The full license is in the file LICENCE, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Initialisation routines.

Those should be run before creating a CParser and can be run only once. They
are used to declare additional types and modifiers for the parser.

import sys
from .c_parser import _init_cparser, CParser
from .c_library import CLibrary
from .backends import init_libraries

[docs]def init(extra_types=None, extra_modifiers=None): """Init CParser and CLibrary classes. Parameters ---------- extra_types : dict, optional typeName->c_type pairs to extend typespace. extra_modifiers : list, optional List of modifiers, such as '__stdcall'. """ if CParser._init or CLibrary._init: raise RuntimeError('Can only initialise the parser once') extra_types = extra_types if extra_types else {} extra_modifiers = extra_modifiers if extra_modifiers else [] _init_cparser(extra_types.keys(), extra_modifiers) init_libraries(extra_types) CParser._init = True CLibrary._init = True
WIN_TYPES = {'__int64': None} WIN_MODIFIERS = ['__based', '__declspec', '__fastcall', '__restrict', '__sptr', '__uptr', '__w64', '__unaligned', '__nullterminated']
[docs]def auto_init(extra_types=None, extra_modifiers=None, os=None): """Init CParser and CLibrary classes based on the targeted OS. Parameters ---------- extra_types : dict, optional Extra typeName->c_type pairs to extend typespace. extra_modifiers : list, optional List of extra modifiers, such as '__stdcall'. os : {'win32', 'linux2', 'darwin'}, optional OS for which to prepare the system. If not specified sys is used to identify the OS. """ extra_types = extra_types if extra_types else {} extra_modifiers = extra_modifiers if extra_modifiers else [] if os == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'win32': extra_types.update(WIN_TYPES) extra_modifiers += WIN_MODIFIERS init(extra_types, extra_modifiers)